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Common Christian teachings portray Judas as "having been called to be one of the twelve disciples, who somehow changed his mind from being a good pupil and betrayed our Savior. It is as if He made a mistake calling him, or did not know what was in him, to think that Judas was ever for Him." These gravely mistaken ideas greatly mislead Christians, and this page will disprove each of these myths.

Was Judas One of the Twelve Disciples?

In our studies, we need to use accurate terms to communicate concepts better. We will explain those here because the adversary has deceived everyone using inaccurate terms, neologisms, and false definitions to thoroughly confuse people. Therefore, in our diction, we call Judas by the original name he went by, Yehuwdâ´h. 

How did Yehuwdâ´h evolve to Judas? First, the letter J in the name "Judas" is how the capital letter "I" was written to distinguish it from the small letter L, beginning in the 14th century, and it adopted a different sound by the French in the 16th century. Why did the translators use an "I" to transliterate the Y in Yehuwdâ´h? 

Because in Old English, the letter "J" and the letter "Y" shared their enunciation rules as in "yesterday" or "yellow," just like the Hebrew letter y (yud). After 1611 KJV Bible publishing, modern English accepted the shape and sound of the letter "J" as "jay" and no longer the "yuh" "Y" sound because it adopted a different sound by the French in the 16th century.


The "I" got its shape letter in the 15th century as a contribution of the Spanish language, and it was only about 1600's when the letter "J" started appearing in print. This fact leads to the question, how can Yehuwdâ´h's name be "Judas" if the letter "J" did not exist before the 14th century? The same question goes for "Jesus, " an untrue rendition of Yâhuwshúa` 's name.

Following the procedural rules to further discredit the use of the J in English versions of Hebrew names, some allege that there does not exist a Hebrew letter of the 22 with the same sound as the new letter "J." But this is not so; the ancient Hebrew's undageshed gimel (ğ) has the sound. However, it is not currently given a different sound in the "modern" Hebrew of the jews. But this letter, g (gimel), is not one ever thought of in the rendering of "Jesus" nor "Judas."

Why are we only dealing with Hebrew, not Latin or Greek

Because no matter how many languages scriptures were translated into, this happened in Judea, and the populace there, although overrun by foreigners speaking various languages, had not changed the language being spoken there from being Hebrew.


To know from the "Bible" what language our Savior spoke, we look to the book of Deeds "Acts," one mention of what language Yâhuwshúa` spoke. When He stopped Shâ’úwl (Paulus) on the road to Damascus – it says He was speaking in the Hebrew language "Shâ’úwl, why do you persecute Me?" A myth is being spread among those trying to deny His name is in Hebrew, alleging that everyone spoke Greek. But a person's name does not change according to the native language of the caller.

Would it be surprising to hear that Christopher Columbus was actually Cristoforo Colombo? Do you think he would have responded to "Christopher"?

A name is a sound that invokes someone, and if altered, it does not. Although we need to know the proper name of Yâhuwshúa`, in this case, the reasons for knowing the name of "Judas Iscariot" is really Yehuwdâ´h, are other reasons. There is a lot of confusion generated around this name, and meticulous research is challenging since disinformation is abundant everywhere. The reason is that the name Yehuwdâ´h ("Judas") is also used by Jews for their religion ("Judaism"), race (Yehuwdath), and physical land (Judea) –which they define as keeping their strict genealogical standards.

 Yet Yehuwdâ´h, if one tries to analyze it linguistically, it is not an original Hebrew word. The actual transliteration is Y_huwdah (shwa = silence _), as though a name-censor is censoring its vowel. And that is because the inventor of this name Yehuwdâ´h is satan, who within the serpent, said it to the dirt-man as the name which would open his eyes, but it closed his spiritual eyes and caused the fall of mankind.


What Could the Adversary be Censoring Out Within Y­_huwdah?

The actual, accurate Hebrew term is Yâhuwdâ´h, which means, "The Profession of Yâ-hwéh." Yâ´huw is the short form of the name Yâ-hwéh in Hebrew. Professing His name is forbidden by Jewish satanic traditions censoring His name, especially His dual names Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. Therefore, it should not be surprising that the adversary would censor the Yâ´huw in Yâhuwdâ´h, with a Y_huwdah.  Although this was originally the name of one of the 12 tribes from the 12 sons of Ya'aqóv, the meaning of the spiritual tribe matters, which is, that ones He calls, are being the profession of Yâ-hwéh! This is thus called the authentic tribe, according to the Glad Tidings of Phílippos. This "tribe" is not determined by race nor genealogy; it is spiritually defined.

Therefore, there is an enormous difference between Yehuwdâ´h and Yâhuwdâ´h. The satanic establishment has sanitized everything about Yâhuwdâ´h. The amount of censoring was so severe that wherever Yâhuwdâ´h was mentioned, the opposing term "Yehuwdâ´h" and its current versions have replaced it. This has caused mass confusion, caused by misapplying the satanic term to identify the spiritual tribe and misapplying the satanic term and their definitions to our Savior's spiritual kin and followers.


The written spelling difference we highlight here would not be written until the 17th century when vowel pointing was introduced into Hebrew, and only curious scholars still knew of the original term.

The vast difference between the faiths and beliefs of Yâhuwdâ´h versus Yehuwdâ´h are diametrically opposed: Yâhuwdâ´h worshipping Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` the Most High, and Yehuwdâ´h by their own admission worshipping the adversary, being identified as an assembly (synagogue) of satan, according to our Savior. Yet both continued to coexist geographically not in shâlówm (only the satanists being violent) until the dispersion, first of Christian Yâhuwdâ´h, and later the Romans dispersed the satanist Yehuwdâ´h by war.

Now consider, since Yehuwdâ´h is satan's profession of himself as the counterfeit Savior:  Yehuwdâ´h is the name of "Judas." Yehuwdâ´h is the name of a racial tribalist religion worshipping satan since all these hate the Profession of Yâ-hwéh, Yâhuwshúa`, is it unreasonable to describe this racial tribalist religion as the followers of "Judas," Yehuwdâ´h?

This suggests that Yehuwdâ´h is the same adversary incarnated, solidly documented in various inspired scriptures. But the fact is hidden by the satanic establishment, which is frequently too embarrassed about who they worship to admit it openly. Thus, they work and pay their laborers to mold public opinion against thinking that.

The resulting common Christian teachings portray Yehuwdâ´h as "having been called to be one of the twelve disciples, who somehow changed his mind from being a good pupil and betrayed our Savior. As if our Savior made a mistake calling him, or did not know what was in him, to think that Yehuwdâ´h was ever for Him".

A subtle difference is found in their mistranslating paradidomi, the term scribes translated as "betray." Paradidomi means literally to give over, as we say, "turn over," what an enemy infiltrator does, to "hand over" someone to the satanic authorities of this world. "Betrayal" does not mean the same thing. "Betrayal" implies a change of heart from formerly being an ally to becoming an enemy. Yehuwdâ´h, the personification of the adversary, never was an ally, and he even knew and said that Yâhuwshúa` knew everything he conspired.

Another mistranslation they made is prodótes, "one giving forwards (into another's hands)" from Luke 6: 16, as "the traitor," because a traitor also implies the existence of a time when Yehuwdâ´h, the adversary, was once good by nature. Decoded scriptures and codices agree that the adversary was evil from his beginning, never having been in the Light. The myths about him having ever fallen or been a "heavenly angel" result from satanic scribes' scripture alteration. Most significant mistaken idea: was Yehuwdâ´h called?

What is The Calling?

"The Call" is a command performed ONLY by Yâhuwshúa` to awaken and address a prototypal sleeper – being any person who may awaken to Knowledge and Salvation. The Call also refers to Yâhuwshúa`, Who is The Word of The Way ["logos"], being the Garment of the Savior; said to be "The Voice (Call) of the immeasurable thought." – Paraphrase of Shem, and "The Mindless person hears 'the call' but is ignorant of the Place to which he or she has been called." Authoritative Discourse.

The called ones (or calling) occupy the place of those who rejoice at the Bridal Chamber, who are happy on account of the union of the Bridegroom and the Bride. The Place [Son] which the calling [called ones] will have is the aeon [eternal One (Twin)] of the images [copies], where the Logos [Word of the Way] has not yet joined with the Pleroma [Fulness] of one overcoming the demon (Yisrâ’ë´l). " The Tripartite Tractate

At the time when Yâhuwshúa` told each one, He called, "Come follow me," only those He called could answer Him, thereby leaving material things behind to follow Him. In your "Bibles," it is recorded that Yâhuwshúa` only called eleven this way to be His pupils, "disciples."  A thorough check of your "Bibles" or any other inspired scriptures will show that Yehuwdâ´h ("Judas") was never called to be one of the twelve.

Furthermore, the eleven called by Yâhuwshúa` answered by following Him. The Books of the Savior, known as "Pistis Sophia," explains that these eleven are like copies of the eternal, existing ones in the dimension of Light. Yâhuwshúa` did not call Yehuwdâ´h because this one is not an existing one and will never come to exist, meaning to become actually having become 'one overcoming the demon' (Yisrâ’ë´l). Just because only eleven were called at that time does not mean the walk-in intruder Yehuwdâ´h was the twelfth.

The eleven pupils called by Yâhuwshúa` are twins to the eleven high priest positions in the eternal realms of Light. When each of these eleven (female néphesh) is paired with their corresponding (male) envoy twin, as we read in the Bridal Chamber explanation, these eleven pairs comprise the twenty-two elders in the dimension of the Light who sit on their thrones attending to Yâhuwshúa`. But we see twenty-four written in Disclosure (Revelation). Why?

Intentionally, Yâhuwshúa` left out the calling of the last pupil, the twelfth one. The twelfth's male twin envoy (number twenty-three) made the initial Call (in Wisdom, Sophia) for the Savior to come down and rescue Her, and that twelfth one's personhood is Miryâ'm of Miğdâlâ´h, the twenty-fourth and the lost sheep.

There are many reasons why Yâhuwshúa` permitted it to be this way. And this confused the other eleven pupils who had not understood this information until His resurrection when Yâhuwshúa` revealed it to them after the mistake of selecting a twelfth themselves – by lottery, as documented in Deeds (Acts).

They were mistaken to not understand that the call is only done by Yâhuwshúa`.

At the end of the Glad Tidings of Tâ’ówm, one of the objections voiced by the eleven against Miryâ'm was her being in a female physical body. There, and in the Books of the Savior, "Pistis Sophia," it is written that Yâhuwshúa` would 'turn Miryâ'm into a male.' How is this possible?

Yâhuwshúa` will pair her néphesh (which are all female) with her male envoy Twin (GT of Tâ’ówm scripture), making Miryâ'm of Miğdâlâ´h a spiritually male pupil of the Sovereign like His other pupils-turned-disciples. This preference for spiritual gender also explains why the unpaired are called "sisters," even if physically male. It is interesting to note the spiritual symbolism in that Miryâ'm came from Miğdâlâ´h, a fishing village on the Sea of Galilee, close to where Yâhuwshúa` was raised.

This explains the twelfth missing pupil (disciple). Its explanation is found nearly entirely outside the small collection of scriptures selected by the satanists to be included, contributes to the confusion and the deception to think of Yehuwdâ´h having been that one.

But even those scriptures initially did say Yehuwdâ´h never was called. Still, the evidence was hidden, omitted by the scribal shorthand coding of all canonical scriptures, which changed the intended meaning to satanic meanings. The resulting abbreviated altered version made Yehuwdâ´h sometimes sound like one of the twelve, especially when loosely translated into English by satanist authorities.

But the facts about Yehuwdâ´h, which are easily found in codices and decoded canonical scriptures, both of which are declared off-limits to Christians by their foolish shepherds, are that he was the incarnation of the adversary, who sought to find Him and kill Him.


In the "Gospel of Judas," Yâhuwshúa called him the 13th demon and said Yehuwdâ´h's star misled him, as this one was paired with the adversary. Yâhuwshúa` is He Who is without regard for the demon light-carrier (the adversary), and throughout all scriptures, especially the "Gospel of Judas," it is clearly seen that Yâhuwshúa` treated Yehuwdâ´h with no regard for him. Yâhuwshúa` would simply walk away when Yehuwdâ´h asked questions about the future 'unshakeable generation' that would endanger us and help him, the adversary, locate us.

           The Satanist Establishment Spin-doctors Yehuwdâ´h

Misleading misrendered scriptures and banned books helped the satanist establishment spin-doctor Yehuwdâ´h. Thanks to, we include here decoded strictly literally translated canonical scriptures to compare with the misleading coded and liberally translated establishment ones. Note, the blue font denotes text the coding omitted, and other differences were altered by translators to smoothen it out for the KJV. Compare them, you will find the KJV utterly antithetical to the original decoded form:

KJV vs. Decoded:

MattithYâ´huw 10: 4-5


Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying,

Decoded –

Shim`ówn the zealot of Yisrâ’ë´l, yet Yehuwthâ´h "a man of His city" (' Iysh-Qiryáthow), [is] he, who [is] without regard for Yisrâ’ë´l, and the one (m.) giving over the same One [being] the Son [being] these ones, with the one (m./n.) not the twelve he sent forth, who [is] without regard for Yâhuwshúa`, the One (m.) transmitting the message to the same ones (m.) pertaining to the Son, the One (m.) dictating:

KJV vs. Decoded:

Yâhuwchânâ´n's Glad Tidings 6: 67-71                                                   


Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?

Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.

Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?

He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it

was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.


Therefore, concerning it, he dictated of the [~counterfeit] "Yâ-hwéh", he [~Yehuwthâ´h] who [is] without regard for Yâhuwshúa`, [being] the one (m.) not the twelve:

"Do ye of the father of the sovereign (' avadówn) not of Yisrâ’ë´l, also wish to withdraw?"

Therefore, responded of Yâ-hwéh against the same one (m.) against the Son, Shim`ówn Këph:

"Oh Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, of all Yisrâ’ë´l, towards whom (m.) shall we go away? The sayings of the Life of the eternal ones You hold

of Yisrâ’ë´l, and we, we have believed Yours of Yisrâ’ë´l, and we have acknowledged this One, that [is] You: You cause to exist (ta-hyéh) he who [is] without regard for the Anointed, who [is] without regard for the Son with regard for [being] the ones (m.) not of the mighty one of' aharón (light-carrier/lucifer), not [being] the ones (m.) of the One (m.) living!"

Who responded to the same ones (m.), pertaining to the son| who [is] without regard for Yâhuwshúa`|:

"Of you (sing.), one which [is] not I – [being] ye with the one (m./n.), not the twelve I picked out of Yisrâ’ë´l – also originating from I shall cause to exist (' a-hyéh)[1] of Yisrâ’ë´l [are] of ye: among My Yisrâ’ë´l a slanderer [~diábolous] he is."

Moreover, dictating of Yâ-hwéh: not of The One (n./m.) [is] Yehuwthâ´h[2] Bën-Shim`ówn [~the leper, a Pharushíy], "a man of His city" (' Iysh-Qiryáthow)[3], for the reason that, of Yâ-hwéh, this One Sheep he was intending to give over [is] the same One (m.) [being] the Son among My Yisrâ’ë´l, the One causing to exist (ta-hyéh) from "I shall cause to exist (' a-hyéh)[4] of Yisrâ’ë´l", of the ones (m.) not [of] the adversary (sâţâ´n): the twelve of Yisrâ’ë´l.

Comparing the above, it is clear that the scribal coding and the liberal translating portray Yehuwdâ´h falsely as having been called or chosen as one of the twelve. This has also been the case in all other such passages. And this, compounded to the scantiness of the scripture canon collection, being reduced to 66 books by satanist "church fathers," excluded books with more dirt on Yehuwdâ´h, serving to inform those confined to these books much less.

See the Narrative of Yâhuwçë´ph of Aramathea: 

… And they summoned Yehuwthâ´h "a man of His city" (' Iysh-Qiryáthow), and spoke to him, for he was son of the brother [~Shim`ówn the leper, a Pharushíy] of Qayë´phâ' the priest. He was not a pupil before the face of Yâhuwshúa`; but all the multitude of the Yehuwthím craftily supported him, that he might follow Yâhuwshúa`, not that he might be obedient to the works of the Power done by Him, nor that he might profess Him, but that he might give Him over to them, wishing to catch up some lying word of Him, giving him gifts for such 'brave', 'honest' conduct to the amount of a half a weight (shekel) (5.7g), of gold each day. And he did this for two years [~146.8 oz total] with Yâhuwshúa`, as says one of His pupils called Yâhuwchânâ´n.

…And Yehuwthâ´h, going into the "sanctuary" at the dawn of the fifth day (1/8) [MattithYâ´huw 26: 14], says to all the people:

"What are ye willing to give to me, so I will give up to you the overthrower of the Law, and the plunderer of the predicators?"

The Yehuwthím say to him:

"If you will give Him up to us, we will give you thirty pieces of gold." [ZkharYâ´hu 11: 12]

And the people did not know that Yehuwthâ´h was speaking about Yâhuwshúa`, for many of them professed that He was the Son of

the Power. And Yehuwthâ´h received the thirty pieces of gold.

And the scripture which Cyril of Jerusalem received, which was cursed by the paid laborers to label as "PseudoCyril," its translation to English says:

"Judas, then, listened to his wicked wife. He went to the chief priests and said to them: 'What are you willing to pay me that I deliver him to you? 83 For I know that you are seeking to kill him. You have not been able to do anything against him, but if you want, I am the man who will deliver him to you.' And they made an arrangement with him for 30 ̶s̶i̶l̶v̶e̶r̶ [gold] pieces."

Reliably translated books describe the reward offered by the Yehuwdím (Jews) as being thirty pieces of gold, not silver. Throughout the adversary’s history, he loves material gold, the "seed of the demon of fire" in the Hindu religion. Why did the Yehuwdím (Jews) change the writing to silver whenever they could in scriptures? This would hide who Yehuwdâ´h was and help mitigate the image of extreme greed and evil, which characterizes the spiritual leader of the Yehuwdím (Jews).

   Modern  Day Judas-Defenders

Yâhuwshúa` calls Yehuwdâ´h the 13th demon, and the Yehuwdím (Jews) at National Geographic render it as "the 13th spirit"

These followers of Yehuwdâ´h, the Yehuwdím (Jews), are strategically controlling the media sources of this world and the roles of the most accepted paid-worker scholars translating scriptures. This includes the National Geographic Society, who obtained the “Gospel of Judas" exclusively and fully endeavored to mitigate and remake Judas's image, brazenly mistranslating several damning passages within it forbidding the release of the contents of this manuscript to prevent objective translations from being made. When one non-Jewish scholar called their attention to one such flagrant alteration, they issued a private apology, but their translation was not corrected.

The “Gospel of Judas” contained many facts about Yehuwdâ´h, which these revisionists in the National Geographic Society deliberately altered to remake his image.  Several scholars who objected to the National Geographic’s translation of the “Gospel of Judas” submitted their corrections of the mistranslations which we share here:

Scholars’ Corrections:

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas” is a 13th demon.”

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas” will lament and mourn his fate.”

Yehuwdâ´h 's “Judas” seed controls the archons instead of being controlled by them.”

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas” is separated from the holy (pure unshakeable) generation.”

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas” will not ascend to the pure (pure unshakeable generation).”

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas” cannot enter the heavenly house he has seen in his vision (his envoy “star” deceived him).”

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas” does the worst thing he can do by sacrificing Yâhuwshúa`.”


National Geographic Rendition:

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas is the perfect enlightened gnostic.”

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas ascends to the holy generation.”

Yâhuwshúa` “Jesus wants Judas to betray Him.

Yâhuwshúa` “Jesus wants to escape the material world.”

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas performs a righteous act, serving “Jesus” by “betraying” Him.”

Yehuwdâ´h “Judas will be able to enter the divine real as symbolized by His vision of the great house.”

As the “thirteenth,” Judas surpasses the twelve disciples, and is lucky and blessed by this number.”

Yehuwdâ´h "A Stranger to the Apostleship"

The book of Cyril of Jerusalem, cursed by the paid-laborers as “PseudoCyril”, its translation to English (which uses traditional versions of names) says:

“This is the calling of Jesus Christ with which he has called (the apostles). In peace. Amen. The calling, then, of the apostles was in this way by God. Simon Peter, John, Andrew and James were fishers, fish catchers according to the craft of this world. The father of Philip was a charioteer in the races. Thomas, however, was a tender of the waterwheel. Bartholomew was a gardener, a grower and seller of greens. Thaddeus was a stonecutter. Matthew was a tax collector. Simon Cananites was an inviter to the wedding. James the son of Alpheus was a tender of the waterwheel. Judas Iscariot has been estranged from the apostleship.’

What was the Greek term where you see “estranged”?  It is: Strong’s #3927: parepidemos – “one who comes from a foreign country into a city or land to reside there by the side of the natives, an alien alongside, a resident foreigner”. But the paid-laborer scholar Roelof van den Broek, who translated this book into English documented in his footnote that he translated this word as “estranged” because he did not believe the original word to be accurate, and that it should have been ἀπαλλοτριόομαι – “to be alienated; to be alienated from”, because the original did not agree with his mistaken belief that Yehuwdâ´h was called by Yâhuwshúa`.  This is another example of the satanic conspiracy to repair the reputation of Yehuwdâ´h.

Examine Strong's #245, ἀλλότριος which is defined as "another's, i.e., not one's own; by extension foreign, not akin, hostile" and another lexicon saying "belonging to another, foreign, strange, not of one's own family, alien, an enemy."

But parepidemos does agree with a phrase frequently found in decoded scriptures, describing Yehuwdâ´h: "the son among My Yisrâ’ë´l," which means an alien alongside. But a "son"? How do we explain the adversary being an alien "son"? This goes perfectly with the record that yaldabosheth/yaldabaoth, the spawn of shame misconceived by Wisdom without the Father's consent, is also known as the adversary (satan).

Yehuwdâ´h appears to be a standard omission associated with "shall be" in scribal coding in the LXX. It is found everywhere in decoded LXX. The determination of which of the two terms, Yehuwdâ´h/Yâhuwdâ´h it speaks of is made by the context (e.g., Yshá`Yâhuw 28: 18-19). It is Yehuwdâ´h when it refers to the adversary. Yehuwdâ´h is described as the son, not One's own(e.g., Yshá`Yâhuw 28: 21) since the adversary was not a son of our Father at all. This term is ἀλλότριος.

       What is the Meaning of "Iscariot"?

Sometimes knowing the names of persons from antiquity can give further information. People of the lower classes did not have last names, and so to differentiate people with the same first name, descriptive designations were often added. Yehuwdâ´h, the son of Shim`ówn the leper/Pharushíy, had a second term applied to him, "Iscariot," seen transliterated into Greek as 'Iskariótes.'

This is apparently transliterated and grecianized from Hebrew, Iysh-Qiryáthow, which means "the husband/man of His city." In some places where the LXX pre-advent scriptures reference Yehuwdâ´h, it denies him being of the City. The “City” refers to the City of the Most High as a spiritual organization composed exclusively of His own, so it excludes the adversary. This is seen in the "Glad Tidings of Yehuwdâ´h," where Yâhuwshúa` told him he would never enter His great house.

One nineteenth-century scholar suggested that Iscariot came from a Hebrew word meaning "to stop up" (skr) and that it referred to the fact that he died by strangling (his throat was "stopped up").  Another scholar suggested that the term came from the Semitic words' isqa' re'ut – which might mean something like "one who makes money out of friendship." Some scholars thought that the term showed he came from the region known as Issachar (an Issachariot).  Iscariot sounds like the Latin word for dagger, sica, and is possibly related to Jewish dagger-assassins known as the Sicarii.

Does Yâhuwshúa` Make  Mistakes?

So, did Yâhuwshúa` make a mistake letting Yehuwdâ´h follow Him around? Did Yâhuwshúa` not know what would happen? Yes, Christians know He did because the regular canon clarifies that our Savior was quite well-aware of what Yehuwdâ´h would do and who he was. But consider this:

The adversary made a mistake thinking that he should follow Him around to have His dirt-body killed, thinking it would put Him under his power and that he could confine Him in the underworld. Because he was so deceived, he made the blunder to apply death to One Who was untouchable and invisible to the forces of darkness.

So, the adversary is one who did not know what would happen! The adversary lost the information war at that point because our Savior Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` had planned His Work before the cosmos was founded and went into the very middle, in the center of everything, and did everything in full view of everyone, to get every single One of the lights out of this darkness. The Work Yâhuwshúa` did on the cross is well-known to the world, and the adversary's erasing that from history is a lost cause for him.

"The one (m.) having been blessed [is] he who [is] without regard for the one (m.) [~future impostor: Yehuwthâ´h/sâţâ´n] coming among the ones (m.) within one overcoming the demon (Yisrâ’ë´l), against the name (n.) of Yâ-hwéh-Yâhuwshúa` ofone overcoming the demon (Yisrâ’ë´l)!" – MattithYâ´huw 23: 39, Luwqá’ 13: 35

Keep this in mind about Yehuwdâ´h, who is the incarnation of satan, who was neither called nor chosen and has recycled many times and in recent times as the antichrist. To read more about that, click here.

So do not be fooled by the adversary's attempts to revise history through his paid laborers to make Yehuwdâ´h a 'misunderstood victim of antisemitism supposedly.'


Free Firstfruists' Purer Scriptures  (FPS) available for download here

The thirteenth apostle : what the Gospel of Judas really says By De Conick, April D

Cyril of Jerusalem On the Life and the Passion of Christ

Why the jews reject Yâhuwshúa`-

The Narrative of Joseph of Arimathea -

An example page of how Jewish scholars accustom to code scriptures to conceal their true meaning:

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